Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beef Goulash Moroccan Style

I'm not a big goulash lover but I had this moroccan dish in mind and needed beef. Filet is pretty expensive though so I decided to buy goulash, since moroccan meat dishes are generally cooked for 1-several hours. I didn't use any recipe for this, it's rather a work of improvisation but it turned out quite nice.
It was also my first time ever making goulash!

Anyway, on to the recipe (2 people):

* 250-300g beef goulash
* 1 can of chickpeas
* 1-2 red or yellow peppers
* +/- 300ml water
* 500ml beef stock
* cumin, cinnamon, salt, baharat
* 3 tbsp tomato purée
* 1 tbsp low-fat or normal cream

Heat a bit of oil in a wok or pan (I don't own a tajine therefore I cooked it in a wok), wait until hot and stir-fry the meat shortly from each side, seasoning it with salt, cumin, a bit of cinnamon and baharat. Add the beef stock, 1 tsbp of tomato purée and cover the wok or pan. Reduce heat. The meat needs to simmer (not boil!) for about 2 hours, but make sure there's always enough liquid. Pour the rest of the water in, when there's not enough liquid. It has to cover the meat completely. After 1 1/2 hours, chop the pepper and add it to the meat. Check from time to time if it's soft. As soon as the meat is soft, add the rest of the tomato purée and season a little more, until you think it tastes spicy enough. Add the chickpeas, the cream and wait until it's hot enough to be served. If the sauce is too thin, you can add sauce thickener. Serve hot with couscous and enjoy!


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