Friday, February 10, 2012

Moroccan Apricot Chicken With Couscous

The first recipe in the new year - I'm so lame. *laughs* Ever since I saw this recipe in a book, I knew I had to try it out. And believe me, this Moroccan dish was worth the impatient waiting.

As usual, I changed the recipe a little (seems like I really can't cook anything the way it's described in recipes).

You need:

* 2 chicken breasts
* about 10 dried apricots
* 2-3 oranges
* 1 tsp honey
* 2 tbsp ground almonds
* cinnamon, cumin, salt, pepper
* 1 cup of water
* 1/2 cup of couscous

Cut the apricots in half. Squeeze the oranges and let the apricots soak in the juice.
Dice the chicken breasts and stir-fry the meat in a pan with a bit of oil. Season with salt and pepper.
Add the juice, the apricots and 1/2 cup water, and season with cinnamon and cumin. Stir the honey and the ground almonds and reduce heat. Cover the pan until sauce has reduced and thickened.
In another pan (it should be coated), heat 1/2 cup of water with salt until boiling, then add the couscous. Reduce heat and wait until the couscous has absorbed the liquid. Loosen up the grains with a fork but don't scratch the pan ;) Add some butter and let it fry a little more.

When everything's ready, serve hot and enjoy. :)

PS: While eating, I thought that adding raisins would be very nice too! I also added a few fried sesame grains, as you can see in the picture, but I actually prefer the dish without them.

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