Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cinnamon Apple Pear Crumble

Ho~ It's time for a (heart-)warming experience. This dessert is a wonderful treat when you get home after a rainy October day, change into comfortable clothes and light a candle.

The idea for this came to me while I was browsing through a baking site and found this.
But tonight I didn't feel like following a recipe (...or rather, do I ever really follow instructions while cooking? I guess the answer would clearly be NO) Therefore I simply grabbed a few things from my fridge and cupboard and got started.

So, what about the result? Well,

What you need:

* 2 sour apples (Boskoop)
* 1 pear
* butter
* cinnamon
* 1 tsp honey
* 100ml cream (if you like, take the low-fat substitute, it works fine)
* 2-3 tsbp flour
* 2 tbsp sugar
* 2 tbsp oat flakes
* walnuts

Peel, core and slice the pear and the apples. Heat a bit of butter in a frying pan, then add the slices and season with cinnamon. Fry until they have soften a bit. (about 5 minutes)
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Transfer the fruits into a baking pan.
In the same frying pan, pour the cream and add the honey and more cinnamon. Wait until honey and cinnamon have dissolved, then pour the mixture over the apples and pear.
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar and oat flakes with about 1 tbsp of soft (but not melted!) butter until its crumbly. Add the topping to the fruits. Chop a few walnuts, and put them on top.
Bake it in the oven for about 30 minutes and serve hot.
About 3-4 servings.



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